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30-Day Trial of MixEffect Pro
In-App Purchase to Unlock MixEffect Pro

Professional Control Over Your ATEM Switchers

Want to buy MixEffect Pro for your organization? Learn about the paid up-front version of MixEffect Pro here.

30-Day Trial

Try MixEffect Pro free for 30 days. Unlock all Pro features with a single In-App Purchase.

Switcher Management

Control multiple Blackmagic Design ATEM switchers. Sync your switcher settings between all of your iCloud-connected devices.


Access buttons and functionality missing from the ATEM switcher hardware, including Downstream Keyers, Upstream Keyers, Macros, and more.


Become a SuperSource expert on the ATEM Mini Extreme™, ATEM Mini Extreme ISO™, and the ATEM Constellation 8K™.

Companion and Stream Deck

MixEffect works with Bitfocus Companion and Elgato Stream Decks to provide fine control of your ATEM switcher via OSC.

Custom Switcher Pages

Create your own switcher pages that have the exact controls you need.


Organize, visualize, and run your macros like never before.


Upload still images from your iOS device straight to the media pool on your ATEM switcher.


Control up to four HyperDecks from within MixEffect. Control additional ones using Shortcuts and OSC.


Display real-time levels for every audio input. Adjust the gain, fader gain, frames delay, pan, and more.


Quickly adjust your transition, upstream key, downstream key, and SuperSource settings.

Long-Press Support

Some buttons support long-pressing to bring up additional options or to display the editing palette associated with the button.


Control your ATEM switcher with OSC, Siri and Shortcuts. Automatically switch your inputs when your audio levels reach a certain level with the Video Follows Audio feature.


Organize your streaming destinations without having to edit XML files.


Manage your disk recordings straight from MixEffect. Start and stop recordings, set the filename for recorded videos, and switch disks all from your iPhone or iPad.


Set the source for each of your Auxiliary outputs.


Don’t have an ATEM at the moment? Test out the interface using the built-in ATEM simulator.

Switcher Settings

Change your switcher's video mode, audio settings, multiview, source labels, and more.

MixEffect App Settings

Enable View Only Mode, turn on Haptic Feedback, set up Automations, and more.

Made by Adam Tow in the San Francisco Bay Area
Copyright © 2021-2024

All Blackmagic Design trademarks and product registrations are owned by Blackmagic Design PTY LTD.